The Best EHR
for Neonatology

Praxis EMR - Harry M. Goldin, M.D., Dermatology

Harry M. Goldin, M.D.

4709 Golf Road, Suite 1000, Skokie, IL

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"...the beauty is that the next time I see a similar patient, Praxis remembers everything, it does it all for me. No template system does this."

Specialty Case Studies

Praxis EMR - Steven McKenzie, M.D., Family Practice

Steven McKenzie, M.D.

Family Practice, Valley Medical Family Practice

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Praxis EMR - Cecelia Hissong, M.D., Family Practice

Cecelia Hissong, M.D.

Family Practice, Cecelia Hissong MD, PC

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Praxis EMR - Jeremy L. Bradley, M.D., Family Practice

Jeremy Bradley, M.D.

Family Practice, FAAFP, Owensboro, Kentucky

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Praxis EMR - Dr. Robert Comeau, OB/GYN

Dr. Robert Comeau

OB/GYN, Las Vegas,

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An alarming 45% of practicing neonatologists polled by Medscape’s Nation Physician Burnout Report report feeling burnt out, due to many stressful factors in the nature of neonatonics. One of these stressors can be attributed to difficult-to-use EMRs that are rigid and template-based. With Praxis EMR, we give you the freedom to practice medicine your way and save you countless hours while also relieving the stress caused by old-fashioned charting methods.

Introducing Concept Processing

Learn more about the unique Neonatology AI of Praxis EMR

Praxis EMR - Dr. Stephen Hsieh, Internal Medicine

Dr. Stephen Hsieh

Internal Medicine

"Praxis is the most wonderful EMR out there because it allows you to practice medicine the way you want to practice it. At the same time, it allows you to share your information with other practitioners so that they can learn from you, and you can also learn from them and share their information."

The Intelligent Neonatology Practice

Practice Neonatology Your Way

Praxis EMR employs a unique AI system that progressively learns from the user. The more it is used, the faster Praxis learns each physician's wording style.

Patient Demographic Information Integration

Seamlessly import patient demographic information into Praxis for an easy switch into a new EMR system that allows users to graph and chart patient information

Save Countless Hours

Praxis saves neonatologists countless hours that would have otherwise been spent on charts or other template heavy EMRs. This extra time allows physicians to focus on their patients more, promoting a stronger bond between the child and doctor.

Develop Customized Care Plans

As the field of neonatology involves varied medical issues and requires a wide range of treatment options, Praxis allows for unique care plans for each patient that can be monitored and customized at the user's will.

Patient Information Always Accessible

With Praxis, physicians can remotely access information anywhere any time. This saves the hassle of needing to sort through endless paper charts in the office to get the information you need.

Assessment and Patient-Specific Practice Advisories

Intelligent reminders give clinical parameters, family history details, surgical history details or other chart items as alerts.

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Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

Still using a Template EHR System?
Switch to Praxis EMR and start saving 2-3 hours a day.