Our solution for Providers

Take control of your practice

Software is intrinsically biased

A great Electronic Medical Record (EMR/EHR) cannot and should not be all things to all people.

If an EHR is to function successfully in your practice, it must be designed especially for you and developed free of templates. If not, an EHR has the potential to hurt your medical quality and put your clinic at financial risk. An EHR can be a liberating tool, improving your documentation, or it can be a constraining device, eroding the care you give and damaging your practice.

If you are struggling with a cookie cutter EHR system then Praxis EMR was designed for you. Many of our loyal clients came to Praxis after years of suffering with a template system recommended by their hospital or chosen by an administrator. Every day we help physicians just like you save valuable time and improve medical quality and patient outcomes. Praxis is ready to help you too. Over the years, we have become experts at moving you from your current template system to Praxis. In fact, Praxis was rated #1 when physicians were asked about their satisfaction after switching EHRs.

Whatever your specialty of medicine, Praxis learns your unique way of practicing and gets faster and smarter as you use it. Praxis should save you an average of two and a half hours every day in wasted time charting. To be sure, Praxis will help lower your stress and increase your productivity. You'll find that Praxis doesn't just think like a doctor; Praxis thinks like you.

You'll spend less time charting, and more time doing what you do best.

Caring for patients.

Financial freedom

Whether you achieve return-on-investment (ROI) in 8 or 16 months, Praxis pays for itself. In fact, most Praxis customers report financial freedom by using Praxis EMR in clinic every day. This is because your improvement in medical quality has a direct result on your productivity and the financial health of your clinic. Using Praxis on a daily basis has seen clients increase revenues significantly. Of course your income boost from using Praxis will vary, but when used properly, Praxis will make you more money.

A life outside of Medicine

Time is precious and the goal of the work-life balance is not easily achieved, especially for busy physicians. Many clients come to us after years of working late nights laboring with tedious templates. Praxis solves all of this. Using Praxis will allow you to see more patients and finish your day earlier. This should improve your lifestyle. You'll get home on-time, with less stress and more time to dedicate to what's important. Praxis gives you your life back outside of medicine. This is priceless.

Learn more about our acclaimed EHR.

We invite you to watch our illustrative demos, discover our leading-edge technology, and connect with our wonderful clients today.

Evaluating EHRs

When evaluating EHRs, participate personally in the process. Consider input from colleagues, not consultants. Few consultants have ever used an EHR in real life. Be careful of an EHR backed by a third party or hospital, even if recommended by your IPA or ACO. Many medical associations are overseen by physicians who have limited experience using EHRs, or who rely on "EMR experts" rather than personal experience. The EHR they choose may become an expensive mistake. Be aware of "free" or "subsidized" software; such systems are often costly in lost productivity, medical quality, as well as your bottom line.


Of vital importance today is interoperability. Your EHR should integrate to any billing, practice management, and laboratory at a minimal cost. Remember, a software company may specialize in billing (PMS), or medicine (EHR), but no single company can be an expert in such diverse fields.
Be careful of software vendors that attempt to sell both billing in addition to EHR. They are driven by profit and cannot offer excellence in either field.

Praxis was designed for your Specialty.

Praxis Solutions

Solutions for
New Practices

Solutions for

Solutions for
Your Billing

Solutions for
Your Specialty


Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

Still using a Template EHR System?
Switch to Praxis EMR and start saving 2-3 hours a day.