The Best EHR
for Internal Medicine

Praxis EMR - Dr. Daniel Griffin, Internal Medicine

Dr. Daniel Griffin

Fort Collins, Colorado.

Dr.Daniel Griffin graduated from New York University School of Medicine and founded an award-winning internal medicine practice in Fort Collins, Colorado. Dr. Griffin is the winner of the 2006 HIMSS Davies Award for Excellence in Ambulatory Care.

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"Our goal is to deliver efficient, quality healthcare with no patient waiting time and 100 percent patient satisfaction. Praxis EMR is a key component to achieving this goal."

Specialty Case Studies

Praxis EMR - Dr. Daniel Griffin, Internal Medicine

Dr. Daniel Griffin

Internal Medicine, Fort Collins, Colorado

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Praxis EMR - Stephen L. Newman, M.D., MBA, FACP, Internal Medicine

Stephen Newman, MD

Internal & Sleep Medicine, Brick, New Jersey

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Praxis EMR - Dr. Stephen Hsieh, Internal Medicine

Dr. Stephen Hsieh

Internal Medicine, Lexington, North Carolina

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Praxis EMR - Jeremy L. Bradley, M.D., Family Practice

Jeremy Bradley, M.D.

Family Practice, FAAFP, Owensboro, Kentucky

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The best EHR for Internal Medicine

Praxis is the Best EHR for Internal Medicine based on an AI engine that learns from each physician user and gets progressively faster and smarter the more it is used. Praxis EMR streamlines Internal Medicine visits including Physical Exams, Checkups, Wellness, Disease Management and Population Health. Laboratories and clinical parameters must be integrated with trending values and automating reports by physician, procedure, diagnosis, or any clinical parameter you wish to track.

Learn more about the unique Internal Medicine AI of Praxis EMR

As a template-free EHR Praxis allows physicians to practice medicine based on their individual style and to constantly refine their approach to medicine in order to prevent medical errors and practice smarter and higher quality medicine.

Introducing Concept Processing

The Intelligent Internist Practice

Integrated Internal Medicine laboratory results

Including blood bank, EKG. Track, blood, urinalysis, and comprehensive lab results, and trend or lab values.

Customized Health Maintenance

Customize Health Maintenance and Disease Management on a per assessment basis.

Adult Risk Profiles

Track and review a summary of risk factors, such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Hypercholesterolemia, Depression, Smoking Status family history or personal history of cancer, or social history and lifestyle habits.

Assessment and Patient-specific practice advisories

Intelligent reminders given clinical parameters family history details, surgical history details, or other chart items as alerts.

General Wellness and Illness Prevention programs

Create detailed wellness plans and health maintenance, including PSA, testicular exams, DRE and other key screening programs.

Lab Integration

Automatic tracking, trending and health maintenance of discrete lab values within the free text of the patient's chart.

Praxis EMR - Dr. Daniel Griffin, Internal Medicine

Dr. Daniel Griffin

Internal Medicine, Fort Collins, Colorado

"As a physician using an EMR, not only is PRAXIS the best electronic medical record out there--I say this as I spent two months of forty-hour weeks devoted to this important choice--but also the best supported. As a physician I realize that down time and delays with support just can't be tolerated. PRAXIS dramatically improves my quality of care...the satisfaction of my patients, and the satisfaction of my colleagues to whom I refer my patients. And...the efficiency and effect on my bottom line is darn impressive."

Praxis physician-client and Internal Medicine Specialist, Daniel Griffin, MD, wins prestigious HIMSS Davies award for excellence in Electronic Medical Records. Dr. Griffin credits the Praxis Concept Processor for EMR success.

Daniel Griffin, MD won the prestigious HIMSS Davies award for excellence in the use of Electronic Medical Records. The Nicholas E. Davies Award recognizes top performance in the implementation and use of health information technology. Dr. Griffin credits the Praxis Concept Processor for his award winning EMR success. Each year the national award spotlights providers that demonstrate exemplary use of EMR systems to improve healthcare delivery.

Dr. Griffin founded his clinic on the principle of superior customer service, with a target of 100% patient satisfaction. His vision was to create a different kind of practice that focused on the patient's time, while delivering the highest quality of care possible. "I envisioned a clinic that would offer same day appointments, never ask patients to wait beyond their scheduled time, and allow more patient interaction", explained Dr. Griffin. "Also key were clinic productivity, reducing malpractice risk, and controlling the impact of work on my family and social life", he added.

As Dr. Griffin strived to perfect his practice, he became convinced that complete documentation during the patient visit was critical to clinical success, as well as a strong bottom line. Charting after the encounter is uncompensated and reduces a provider's hourly income. Therefore, Dr. Griffin's top priority was to document clinical encounters in real time, consistently, at the point of care. Moreover, he envisioned a system that could manage customized practice guidelines to achieve optimum clinical care. Dr. Griffin intentionally avoided template-driven EMRs, preferring a system that enabled custom plans tailored to individual patients based on his own knowledge, training, and experience.

After an extensive search, he implemented Praxis ® EMR by Infor-Med, Inc., a system based on Concept Processing rather than structured pre-set templates. A Concept Processor is an artificial intelligence engine that learns from each user to progressively document faster and smarter with every patient encounter. Imperative to Dr. Griffin's selection was that Praxis closely mirrored his own thought processes and documentation style. "Praxis is truly a physician-centric EMR", explains Dr. Griffin, "It integrates my clinical and personal preferences, decision support, medical literature, and gives me exactly the information I need, when I need it."

Selecting the right EMR has certainly been rewarding for Doctor Griffin. The clinical results have been astounding. Testing administered onsite by CFMC showed that Alpenglow achieved 91% patient "value added time" (the inverse of time wasted), compared with 45% to 79% across the rest of the state, landing in the top 1% of clinics nationwide. As a result, patients of Dr Griffin see more of their doctor, while spending less time at the clinic.

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