Chronic pain physician board certified and recertified by the American Board of Anesthesiology, American Board of Anesthesiology in the Subspecialty of Pain Medicine, American Board of Pain Medicine, American Board of Medical Acupuncture and a Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice, World Institute of Pain. Affiliated with St Johns Mercy Medical Center in St Louis, MO for 25 years.
"With the advent of pay for performance and evidence-based medicine, Praxis responded with the ability to prospectively study your practice and show proof that you achieve the highest standard of care."
Vascular surgeons work to maintain a healthy vascular system in the body, treating patients who suffer from hardening of the arteries, blocked carotid arteries, and more peripheral arterial diseases. Without the smooth flow of the circulatory system, the arteries and veins carrying oxygen-rich blood can't properly make it back to the heart. With such an important and fragile system at stake, Vascular Surgeons take a careful and extensive look into their patients' problems, as well as being attentive in the process of surgery and recovery.
A vascular surgeon needs sufficient time with every patient to make their diagnosis and treatment plan as effective as possible. Vascular diseases can be long-term conditions, so a healthy relationship is necessary between a surgeon and their patients. To better the efficiency of every patient visit while still creating and maintaining strong patient relationships, Vascular Surgeons need an EHR system that can fill in patient history, set patient-specific reminders, link lab results, and more.
Praxis is the best EHR for vascular surgeons because it uses an AI system to create a charting program that is easy, intuitive, and customizable. Praxis' systems like Meaningful Use, a built-in program, helps physicians' to perfect habits with just in time reminders to ask the right questions at the right time when a similar case arises. Being template free, Praxis allows surgeons to customize their chart with what they find most important, whether that be patient reminders, automatic lab results, or patient history.
Praxis also offers a patient portal that can help surgeons stay in touch with their patients easily with important information.
Praxis users report that it takes under 45 seconds to complete a chart. Each chart will be highly personalized to both doctor and patient, because of the customizability that Praxis delivers. As a result, the doctor can spend less time charting and more time focusing on their patients. The customizable treatment plans and records will be highly personalized to each patient. Praxis is the top EHR for vascular surgeons because it imparts the finest care possible.
Seamlessly import patient demographic information into Praxis for an easy switch into a new EMR system that allows users to graph and chart patient information
With Praxis, physicians can remotely access patient information anywhere at any time without filing through charts or waiting for uploads.
Praxis allows for unique care plans for each individual patient that can be monitored and customized at the will of the user, perfect for vascular surgeons with many patients facing varying problems.
As vascular can be difficult to accomplish in, Praxis eases the difficulties that come from using templates for health records and operates with AI technology that makes charting faster and easier.
Patient assessment forms, charts, graphs and printouts. Immediately view a summary of lifestyle details and customizable treatment plans for all patients.
Automatic tracking, trending and health maintenance of discrete lab values within the patient's chart.
Some patients prefer alternative treatments when managing their COPD, and Praxis allows the physician to customize each patient's healthcare plan.
The relationship between physician and patient is of utmost importance and Praxis allows for a positive relationship to develop due to ease of charting and accessing health details.