The Best EHR
for Neurology

Praxis EMR - Doctor Michael Gantt, MD, Internal Medicine

Doctor Michael Gnatt, MD

Gnatt Medical Associates in Rockville, MD

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"I trust Praxis because it is a reliable software. It quickly adjusts to my practice and my patients, and I'm not limited by templates. Praxis is the best for recordkeeping. Documenting visits, ordering tests, generating letters and handouts, prescribing meds, complying with Medicare requirements are all easier with Praxis."

Praxis is fast. There is no faster way to chart medicine.

A neurologist specializes in diagnosing, treating, and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system including Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), concussion, epilepsy, migraine, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and stroke. Neurologists are highly trained clinicians capable of diagnosing complex conditions and disorders and focus on a comprehensive history and physical examination, including testing of mental status, vision, speech, strength, sensation, coordination, reflexes, and gait. Today, as medicine becomes increasingly dependent on technology, EHRs enabling a comprehensive neurological exam are critical component of the patient evaluation and management.

Praxis is Easy to Use. Your Medicine. Your Way.

An alarming 6 out of 10 of practicing Neurologists polled reported feeling burned out, according to a study published in Neurology earlier this year. One of the main complaints was excessive computer screen-time working with difficult-to-use EHRs that are rigid and template-based. Indeed, Neurologists are spending twice as much time working with their EHR than they are with their patients.

Praxis improves Medical Quality. Practice your best under any situation.

Using Praxis can help. Praxis improves patient visits for Neurologists by speeding up charting, making documenting easier and decreasing excessive screen time. With Praxis, Neurologists enjoy the freedom to practice medicine their own way while alleviating the stress caused by out dated template charting systems based on the old paper-record.

Praxis EMR Patient-Provider Portal

With AI technology that learns from the user, Praxis gets progressively faster and smarter, enabling the Neurologists to chart flexibly and handle daily visits in minutes with high degrees of usability and user satisfaction. Empowering the Neurologist to work fluidly and easily, Praxis has fewer clicks and avoids information overload caused by repetitive template data entry and excessive data fields, enabling each provider to spend more face-to-face time with the patient and less "screen time" in front of the computer.

Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated American EHR
    1st Place
Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated AAFP
    1st Place
Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated Capterra
Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated Software Advice

Praxis EMR is the best EHR for Neurology because it learns from each user and gets progressively smarter and easier the more it is used. Praxis allows Neurologists to practice medicine based on their unique style individual preferences while incorporating all of the latest Neurology Practice Guidelines and AAN practice guidelines and advisories.

Specialty Case Studies

Praxis EMR - Steven McKenzie, M.D., Family Practice

Steven McKenzie, M.D.

Family Practice, Valley Medical Family Practice

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Praxis EMR - Cecelia Hissong, M.D., Family Practice

Cecelia Hissong, M.D.

Family Practice, Cecelia Hissong MD, PC

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Praxis EMR - Jeremy L. Bradley, M.D., Family Practice

Jeremy Bradley, M.D.

Family Practice, FAAFP, Owensboro, Kentucky

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Praxis EMR - Dr. Robert Comeau, OB/GYN

Dr. Robert Comeau

OB/GYN, Las Vegas,

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Praxis also allows Neurologists to constantly refine their approach and prevent medical errors, enabling higher quality Neurology medicine. Praxis allows Neurologists to maintain their own level of excellence, no matter how many patients they've seen, or how many hours they've worked. With the best EHR for Neurology, physicians spend less time charting and more time focusing on patient relationships enabling high quality Neurology care.

Introducing Concept Processing

Learn more about the unique Neurology AI of Praxis EMR

Praxis EMR - Amor Mehta, MD, Neurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures, LLC

Amor Mehta, MD

Neurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures, LLC

"I was in a group practice for 5 years until I resigned last September. During the 5 years in my former group, I was burdened by using eClinical Works - a template based EMR that I absolutely loathed. As an epileptologist, many of my cases have complicated neurological histories that do not necessary fit with a template based EMR documentation. In addition, many of my orders are the same for each patient yet, with eClinical Works, I would have to click on the same orders over and over again - wasting time that would accrue over the busy day. Some of the layout of my notes was confusing with a lot of extraneous information added to notes automatically - that had no bearing on the patient care. When I started my new practice, I absolutely did not want to have a template-based system. Lo and behold, I came across Praxis I am so impressed by the concept processor in that many of my cases are somewhat similar to each other in terms of the orders. If I see a case, I automatically just click on the assessment that I have set up for other similar cases and boom - my note automatically populates with the wording and phraseology that I would normally use. I just have to modify some of the details and I save a lot of time this way than having to write the same history over and over again - as I did with eClinical works."

The Intelligent Neurology Practice

Personalized AI System

The more that the Praxis system is used, the more that our AI system learns from the practicing physician and saves time that would otherwise be spent charting or using outdated templates.

Neurologic Risk Profiles

Track and review a summary of risk factors, such as family Neurological disorders, lifestyle habits and social history.

Automated Neurologic Exams

Integrated Neurologic laboratory results

View and track laboratory results such as urine tests, CT scans, biopsies, and neurological evaluation testing. Praxis allows for integration of already existing lab results for a more complete view of a patient's health.

Diagnostic test and imaging

Easily record laboratory screening tests , biopsies, xrays, fluoroscopy tests and genetic tests such as Amniocentesis, Chorionic villus sampling and Uterine ultrasound.

Assessment and Patient-specific alerts

In individual patient's files, indicate specific problems, family history details, surgical history details, or other chart items as alerts

Chronic Neurological Disease Management

Customized Health Maintenance

Customize health maintenance and disease management on a per encounter basis

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Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

Still using a Template EHR System?
Switch to Praxis EMR and start saving 2-3 hours a day.