The Best EHR
for Direct Primary Care (DPC)

Praxis EMR - Gladstone Primary Care, Primary Care

Gladstone Primary Care

Gladstone Primary Care providers and staff, Birmingham, AL

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"We absolutely love Praxis EMR! We see more patients, provide better care, and we're home by 6pm. Praxis knows our practice."

What is Direct Primary Care?

Praxis is fast. There is no faster way to chart medicine.

As health insurance gets increasingly confusing and expensive, patients and providers are turning to a smarter, more affordable healthcare option to facilitate high quality medical care. Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a form of modern healthcare that allows patients to receive excellent quality care without having to deal with insurance, high fees, denials, or third-party coverage restrictions. Free from the restrictions of payers and the limitations of insurance, physicians can offer high quality medical care to their patients and send lower cost bills directly to their patients. Transactions are fast, easy, and efficient with Direct Primary Care, as the billing process is straightforward and simple.

Praxis is Easy to Use. Your Medicine. Your Way.

Under the Direct Primary Care model, patients can pay monthly or pay per service, connect online, schedule appointments, and have personalized visits with their physician the very same day. Direct Primary Care is beneficial for both doctors and patients alike, as doctors need not rely on insurance reimbursements nor worry about denials, and patients can receive personalized and immediate healthcare.

Why Direct Primary Care Practices
need the Best EHR

Praxis is fast. There is no faster way to chart medicine.

Direct Primary Care physicians often face packed schedules that force them to make trade-offs between providing high quality care and nurturing the doctor-patient relationship and shortening the consultation in order to see sufficient patients. The best Direct Primary Care EHR should enable physicians to avoid such practice trade-offs, allowing DPC physicians to see large volumes of patients and handle comprehensive spectrum of illnesses that affect adults, without compromising high quality care delivery.

Praxis is Easy to Use. Your Medicine. Your Way.

The top Direct Primary Care Electronic Health Records software allows physicians to spend less time charting, so that they can spend more time doing what they do best: caring for their patients.

Praxis is Easy to Use. Your Medicine. Your Way.

The majority of EHR systems today are based on "templates" that offer a one-size-fits all approach, forcing providers to use structured pick-lists to document patient encounters. Templates require significant amounts of data entry and users experience high degrees of dissatisfaction, often spending twice as much time with their EHR as they do with their patients. Most physicians describe template EHR systems as clunky, rigid, difficult to use, and would not recommend them to a colleague. Today's template EHR systems do not fit the DPC practices and are poorly designed to handle the modern documentation demands facing Direct Primary Care providers.

Learn more about the unique Direct Primary Care AI of Praxis EMR

Specialty Case Studies

Praxis EMR - Steven McKenzie, M.D., Family Practice

Steven McKenzie, M.D.

Family Practice, Valley Medical Family Practice

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Praxis EMR - Cecelia Hissong, M.D., Family Practice

Cecelia Hissong, M.D.

Family Practice, Cecelia Hissong MD, PC

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Praxis EMR - Jeremy L. Bradley, M.D., Family Practice

Jeremy Bradley, M.D.

Family Practice, FAAFP, Owensboro, Kentucky

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Praxis EMR - Dr. Robert Comeau, OB/GYN

Dr. Robert Comeau

OB/GYN, Las Vegas,

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Introducing Praxis for Direct Primary Care

With Praxis, your charting is fluid, natural, and intuitive.

Praxis is the top EHR system for Direct Primary Care because it has no rigid and cumbersome templates that slow the DPC provider down and interfere with the personalized patient visit. Instead of templates, Praxis utilizes an AI-Driven template-free technology called Concept Processing that self learns from each physician user. As the DPC physician sees patients with Praxis, the system becomes faster, smarter, and improves clinical care and patient outcomes.

As the best EHR for Direct Primary Care, Praxis allows physicians to practice medicine in their way, with their own style, in their own words, rather than forcing them to click through rigid, structured, and difficult to use templates. While using Praxis, a DPC physician's clinical approach is consistently refined to eliminate medical errors and to help physicians practice progressively higher quality medicine. Overall, Praxis is rated the Top EHR for Direct Primary Care because it levels the cost-benefit ratio so that practicing physicians don't have to spend hours charting each day. In fact, Praxis refocuses nearly two hours normally spent charting on template EHRs to two additional hours of vital patient engagement, thereby allowing for optimal high quality care delivery and the prioritization of the Provider-patient relationship, which are both at the heart of the Direct Primary Care mission, and great quality clinical care.

Introducing Concept Processing

Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated American EHR
    1st Place
Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated AAFP
    1st Place
Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated Capterra
Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated Software Advice

Praxis is rated the Top EHR among practicing Direct Primary Care physicians who have changed EHR systems.

What are the best EHR systems?

Find out why Praxis is the best EHR for direct primary care specialists.

Since it is template free, Praxis enables you to maintain your excellence in medical quality and gives you freedom to document in your style. Praxis is rated the top EHR in usability and customer satisfaction after a review of hundreds of EHR systems and in the NATIONAL USER SATISFACTION SURVEY Overall, Praxis achieved first place over all other EHRs in healthcare for 2020-2021.

Praxis is rated the number one EHR by physician users at Software Advice's FrontRunners, which uses reviews from software users to evaluate the best software products hence helps medical providers to decide the most suitable software for their needs. For example, the EHR "FrontRunners" ranks EHRs based on the user recommended scores.

Praxis EMR - The Top Rated EHR - Software Advice FrontRunners 2020 User Reviews - Top Electronic Medical Records Software

After a review of hundreds of Electronic Health Records systems, Praxis is ranked #1 over all other EHRs surveyed. Praxis is rated the top EHR system, earning #1 rankings in the following categories:

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Learn how Dr. Bob saves 2-3 hours a day using Praxis EMR.

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Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

Still using a Template EHR System?
Switch to Praxis EMR and start saving 2-3 hours a day.