The Praxis EMR PraxCoder

Maximize Reimbursements

With the new PraxCoder, you will never under-code again.  Even more importantly, Praxis EMR is the only EMR software that protects you against illegal up-coding.

This is because Praxis EMR is based on a physician's own note rather than pre-set templates. During the encounter, the PraxCoder offers you Level-of-Service advice to facilitate the optimum reimbursement you rightly deserve. Level-of-Service advice is based on procedures, diagnoses, and plan elements, including time spent with the patient where applicable. The PraxCoder walks you through the entire patient note, highlighting what must be completed during the history and physical to attain the optimal level of re-imbursement you are entitled to. No template EHR achieves this level of specificity. Praxis captures all of the unique details of every case, allowing you to achieve the appropriate coding every time.

Template-based EHRs, in contrast, encourage illegal up-coding of documentation, putting you at serious legal risk. Templates force you to choose from inexact data fields, preventing you from documenting a case with the level of detail necessary for appropriate coding. In addition, template EHRs make it easy to clone documentation, which is in itself a Medicare violation. If there were any one reason to use Praxis EMR, this is it.


Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

Still using a Template EHR System?
Switch to Praxis EMR and start saving 2-3 hours a day.