Template-free Praxis EMR named #1 overall EHR, winning in satisfaction, efficiency, and medical quality
CANOGA PARK, Calif., Nov. 21, 2012 -- Praxis Electronic Medical Records earned the top overall score in the American Academy of Family Physicians' (AAFP) Family Practice Management 2012 EHR User Satisfaction Survey. Praxis EMR received number one ratings in thirteen of nineteen categories including overall satisfaction, efficiency, productivity, and medical quality, as well as overall #1 ranking across all categories.
The AAFP survey collected responses from 3,088 physician users of 31 different EHR systems, and questions covered functionality, efficiency, and user satisfaction. Physicians responded to 19 different statements including "I enjoy using this EHR," "This EHR helps me focus on patient care rather than on the computer," and "This EHR provides useful tools for disease manageĀment." The survey's stated purpose is to serve as a resource for family medicine practices seeking to purchase a new EHR.
Praxis EMR won by the widest margin in the categories of efficiency and patient focus, areas in which other EHRs received the lowest scores in the survey. Praxis was the only system for which a majority of users strongly agreed with the statement "This EHR helps me see more patients per day (or go home earlier) than I could with paper charts." The company was also ranked number one in allowing the physician to focus on patient care rather than on the computer. Praxis EMR was again ranked number one when physicians were asked whether "This EHR helps me avoid making mistakes."
"This is the first year in history in which the majority of our colleagues have experienced EHRs in their practice, and therefore they are now better informed," said Richard M. Low, MD, CEO of Praxis EMR. "Doctors have seen the limitations and risks of template-based EHRs and now understand that an Electronic Medical Record is not a computer thing, but a medical tool that must help doctors practice faster, easier, and better medicine. Only Praxis does this."
About the AAFP
The American Academy of Family Physicians is one of the largest national medical organizations, representing more than 105,900 family physicians, family medicine residents and medical students nationwide. Founded in 1947, its mission has been to preserve and promote the science and art of family medicine and to ensure high-quality, cost-effective health care for patients of all ages.
About Praxis EMR
Award-winning and template-free Praxis EMR is a leading innovator of Electronic Medical Record software, serving thousands of physician-users across the U.S. Whereas most other EHRs are based on rigid and cumbersome templates, Praxis EMR utilizes an artificial intelligence technology called Concept Processing that self learns from each clinician, becoming smarter and faster as the user charts in free text. The new Praxis EMR v5 is ONC-certified as a Complete EHR under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Meaningful Use Program.