A History of Innovation.

Learning from the greatest physicians in the world for over 25 years.

Introducing Praxis EMR

What is Praxis

Medicine is an art as much as it is a science, and no two doctors practice the same way.

It is from this premise that over 25 years ago Praxis EMR was born. Most EHRs today are based on boiler-plate "templates" that hurt your art of medicine. No amount of tapping, touching, swiping or clicking on templates will help you practice better and easier medicine. Templates do not work. Instead of templates, Praxis EMR has artificial intelligence called Concept Processing that learns from you. Whatever your specialty of medicine, Praxis learns your unique way of practicing and gets faster and smarter as you use it.

Praxis doesn't just think like a doctor; Praxis thinks like you.

What We Do

If you are struggling with a cookie cutter EHR system then Praxis EMR was designed for you. Most of our clients suffered with template systems before they found Praxis. Every day we help physicians like you save valuable time and improve medical quality and patient outcomes. Praxis should save you about two and a half hours each day in wasted time charting. To be sure, Praxis EMR will help lower your stress and increase your productivity. You'll spend less time charting, and more time doing what you do best.

Caring for patients.

Our Mission

Our goal at Praxis is not only to help physicians like you practice faster and easier medicine, but to become the most important medical information system in the world. To this end, we've assembled an unparalleled team of physicians, developers, trainers, and technicians, whose dedication and collective experience produce the finest EMR today. Our mission is on track.

Our Vision

Our vision is no less vital or ambitious. We envision a healthcare system where doctors are free to practice medicine their own way, the best way they know how. Physicians must be allowed to harness their own experience, education, and intuition, free from restrictive and often medically dangerous template-based systems.

Please Join Us

Please join us in working towards a future where doctors can focus on patients, provide higher quality care, and derive greater satisfaction from their work. You will spend less time in the office and get your bed-side manner back. With Praxis in hand, you can regain what originally brought you into the profession of medicine.

Learn more about our acclaimed EHR.

We invite you to watch our illustrative demos, discover our leading-edge technology, and connect with our wonderful clients today.

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Meet Doctor Bob!

Learn how Dr. Bob saves 2-3 hours a day using Praxis EMR.


Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

Still using a Template EHR System?
Switch to Praxis EMR and start saving 2-3 hours a day.